2024年9月7日 星期六





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注:國會外交之背景 (聯合國憲章》第一章:宗旨和原則:本組織(聯合國)應確保非聯合國會員國在維持國際和平與安全所必要時,依照這些原則行事。我國自民國60年(1971)年退出聯合國之後,外交處境漸趨困頓,不但邦交國數量銳減,台灣在國際社會的活動空間也受到擠壓。所幸政府改採務實外交作法,與100多個國家發展經貿、文教等實質關係,並與各國朝野建立溝通管道。因此,立法院與各國國會間的交流,在外交工作推動上,更顯重要。
































李勇 (紐約)《紐約通訊》社長兼主編,

于金山 (紐約)中華總商會會長。                                 原紐約中華公所主席

熊焱 (阿拉巴馬)六四幸存者


羊子 (紐約)中華民國擁護者

曹勝華 (紐約)中華民國海外公民委員會秘書長

梁惠民 (纽约)中华联邦党基金会负责人

魏重生 (紐約)中國民主革命同盟會負責人

劉貽 (舊金山)美國華人基督徒公義團契牧師

王玉華  (加拿大)中國之春網刊編委 

徐英朗 (舊金山)中華民國公民聯盟联络人


姜福禎 (荷蘭)中國民主黨海外委員會秘書長

陈忠和 (荷兰)中國民主黨海外委員主席

啟軒 (舊金山)八九學生

林牧晨 (舊金山)中國之春(文會)編辑

胡福慶 (紐約)中國民主黨海外委員會監委

李秋 (荷蘭)中國民主黨海外委員党员

傅申奇 (紐約)自由亞洲電台特約評論員

陳艷  (荷蘭)  中國民主黨海外委員會

陳和平 (西班牙) 中國民主黨海外委員會

朱民澤  (新泽西)華果智庫研究员

吳倩 (美國)公民聯盟盟員

呂易  (悉尼)中國社會民主黨主席

孫雲 (美東)中國之春(文會)編委

徐 沛 (德國)自由作家(法輪功)

寧先華 (紐約)中國民主黨美東黨部負責人

王超 (紐約)中華民國擁護者


Frank Lee (紐約)民國派

周峰(冰島)基督徒 中國民主黨海外委員党员





呂珂(約翰內斯堡)Urban Designer

Luke Li(加州)精神中華民國人

張建興 (俄羅岡)中國老一批民主革命人士《中國憲政轉型方案》撰寫人



黃喜志(法國)中華民國俱樂部 ROC Club 主席

王英傑 民國擁護者

蘭宏千 民國擁護者


楊過 中國民主黨東南亞支部          

韓明曦 中國民主黨馬來西亞馬東黨部   

洪勝春 中國民主黨馬來西亞馬西黨部  

劉興盛 中國民主黨柬埔寨黨部  

小黑 中國民主黨新加坡黨部 

楊源林 中國民主黨泰國黨部     

鐘興會 中國民主黨文萊黨部    

伊阿姆  中國民主黨寮國黨部  





Defend world peace and the Republic of China. 

We call upon the United States and the governments of democratic countries to restore or  establish diplomatic relations with the Republic of China! 

Defend world peace and the Republic of China. 

The Communist Party of China (CPC) is the biggest promoter of global evil forces, one of the  main causes of global disasters, and the biggest threat to world peace! Behind all the wars and threats to world peace today, there is almost always the shadow of the Chinese  Communist Party! Therefore, the way to defend world peace is to oppose the Communist  Party, to fight against it, and ultimately to destroy it! 

The Republic of China is the first democratic republic in Asia and one of the founding fathers  of the United Nations. The U.S. government and all democratic governments should see that  a China that keeps pace with world civilization, promotes world peace and progress, and  safeguards the well-being of all Chinese people can only be the democratic Republic of China!  It is definitely not the autocratic and dictatorial People’s Republic of China! The mainland  areas stolen by the Chinese Communist Party are the fallen areas of the Republic of China. 

The ultimate solution to the Taiwan Strait issue can only be the victory of the democratic  Republic of China (ROC)in the competition with the autocratic People’s Republic of China (PRC). The most important issue today is to curb the CCP’s momentum in jeopardizing world  peace and to protect the ROC’s national title and legal system! 

In defense of world peace! To defend the Republic of China! 

The most effective and least costly way is for the U.S. to take the lead and for all democratic  countries in the world to resume diplomatic relations or establish diplomatic relations with  the ROC. 

Democratic countries do not have to be troubled and restricted by such documents as  communiqués and treaties on the one-China principle that once existed! The reason is that  the Chinese Communist Party is essentially a triad organization in the guise of a state. It says  all the good things, does all the bad things, has no shame, and has no credibility at all! As  President Biden said: Xi Jinping is a dictator. 

A most striking example is this: at a press conference held by Chinese Foreign Ministry  spokesman Lu Kang on June 30, 2017, he said, “Now that Hong Kong has been reunited with 

the motherland for 20 years, the Sino-British Joint Declaration, as a historical document, no  longer carries any practical significance, nor does it have any binding effect on the  administration of the Hong Kong SAR by the Central Government of China. ” 

All democratic countries can apply the logic of the CCP, He also cure his body with his own  way! For example, the U.S. can use the CCP’s own words to tell the CCP that the three  statements on which U.S.-China diplomatic relations were based, the Shanghai Communiqué,  the Communiqué on the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations, and the August 17th Communiqué, as historical documents, no longer have any practical significance, and are not  binding on the U.S., the United States, and the ROC in the resumption of diplomatic relations. We therefore call upon the United States and the governments of democratic countries to restore or establish diplomatic relations with the Republic of China! 

At the same time, the Legislative Yuan of the R.O.C. is called upon to take positive action by  setting up a special committee, namely, the “Resumption Committee”, which is allocated a  budget to scrutinize motions on resumption of diplomatic relations, establishment of  diplomatic relations, as well as people’s letters and visits, and to take the initiative to promote  the resumption of diplomatic relations or the establishment of diplomatic relations between  the Congress and the various democratic countries! 

This move essentially negates the legitimacy of the CCP regime and will give the democratic  Republic of China a chance to play its role in the international arena, fully demonstrating the  superiority of the democratic system. This will also inspire the people in the occupied areas  to rise up, put an end to the authoritarian dictatorship of the CCP, and rebuild the ROC.  Ultimately, the peaceful reunification of China will be realized on the basis of democracy! 

Note: Background of Parliamentary Diplomacy (Charter of the United Nations, Chapter I:  Purposes and Principles: The Organization (United Nations) shall ensure that States not  Members of the United Nations shall act in accordance with these Principles when necessary  for the maintenance of international peace and security.) 

 After Taiwan withdrew from the United Nations in 1971, its diplomatic situation became  more and more difficult. Not only was the number of diplomatic relations drastically reduced,  but Taiwan’s room for maneuver in the international community was also squeezed.  Fortunately, the government has adopted a pragmatic approach to diplomacy, developing  economic, trade, cultural, and educational relations with more than 100 countries, and establishing channels of communication with their nationalities. Therefore, exchanges  between the Legislative Yuan and the parliaments of other countries are even more important  in the promotion of diplomacy. 

The power of the Republic of China
(Jointly signed)
Overseas Citizens Committee of the Republic of China
New York Three People’s Principles Unification Alliance
Chinese Federal Party
China Democratic Revolutionary League
Democratic society of the republic of china
Citizens’ Alliance of the Republic of China
Chinese Renaissance Association
China Democratic Constitutional Alliance
Chinese National Revolutionary Union
China Spring Democratic Movement Alliance
China Democracy Party Overseas Committee
Huaguo Think Tank

Republic of China Club
Southeast Asia Chapter of the International Association for the Education of the Blind
Southeast Asia Chapter of the International Sino-Tibetan Association
Southeast Asia Branch of the Front for Democratic China
China Democratic Constitutional Government Preparatory Committee
Niu Tengyu follow group Southeast Asia group
Chinese Citizens’ Action Party Southeast Asia Branch
Milk Tea Alliance Thailand Chulalongkorn University Students Association
Milk Tea Alliance Thammasat University Student Union
Hongmen Brotherhood of Singapore

Li Yong (New York) President and Editor-in-Chief of “New York Newsletter”, former Secretary-General of New York’s Three People’s Principles to Unify China
Yu Jinshan (New York) President of the Chinese General Chamber of Commerce, former Chairman of the New York Chinese Association
Xiong Yan (Alabama) June 4 survivor
Feng Congde (San Francisco) June 4 survivor
Yangzi (New York) Supporter of the Republic of China
Cao Shenghua (New York) Secretary General, Overseas Citizens Committee of the Republic of China
Liang Huimin (New York) Head of Chinese Federalist Foundation
Wei Chongsheng (New York) Head of China Democratic Revolutionary League
Liu Yi (San Francisco) Pastor of Chinese American Christian Justice Fellowship
Wang Yuhua (Canada) Editorial Board of China Spring Online Magazine
Xu Yinglang (San Francisco) Contact Person, Citizens’ Alliance of the Republic of China
Zou Chengfeng (New York) National Resonance and Overturning the Communist Platform
Jiang Fuzhen (Netherlands) Secretary-General of China Democracy Party Overseas Committee
Chen Zhonghe (Netherlands) Chairman of China Democracy Party Overseas Committee
Qixuan (San Francisco) student in 1989
Lin Muchen (San Francisco) Editor of China Spring (Wenhui)
Hu Fuqing (New York) Supervisory Committee, China Democracy Party Overseas Committee
Li Qiu (Netherlands) Member of Overseas Committee of China Democracy Party
Fu Shenqi (New York) Special Commentator, Radio Free Asia
Chen Yan (Netherlands) China Democracy Party Overseas Committee
Chen Heping (Spain) China Democracy Party Overseas Committee
Zhu Minze (New Jersey) Researcher at Huaguo Think Tank
Wu Qian (U.S.) Member of Citizens’ Alliance of the Republic of China
Lu Yi (Sydney) Chairman of the Chinese Social Democratic Party
Sun Yun (Eastern United States) Editorial Board of China Spring (Wenhui)
Xu Pei (Germany) Freelance Writer (Falun Gong)
Ning Xianhua (New York) Head of China Democracy Party’s US East Branch
Wang Chao (New York) Supporter of the Republic of China
Hu Shi (New Jersey) Supporter of the Republic of China
Frank Lee (New York) Supporter of the Republic of China
Zhou Feng (Iceland) Christian Member of China Democratic Party Overseas Committee
Zhuang Xiaobin (France), prisoner writer in exile in mainland China
Chen Yi (Taipei City) Xingzhong Newspaper
Chen Hongzhang (Taichung City) Special Assistant of xx Company
Lu Xiaoguang (Taiyuan, Shanxi) Founder of the China Green Party
Lu Ke (Johannesburg) Urban Designer
Luke Li (California) Spiritual Republic of China
Zhang Jianxing (Oregon ), author of “China’s Constitutional Transformation Plan” among China’s older democratic revolutionaries
Yuan Dong (Maryland) Supporter of the Republic of China
Li Xiangyang (Silicon Valley coder) supporter of the Republic of China
Huang Xizhi (France) Chairman of ROC Club
Wang Yingjie, supporter of the Republic of China
Lan Hongqian, supporter of the Republic of China
Affiliated to the China Democratic Party (General Federation of China)
Yang Guo China Democracy Party Southeast Asia Branch
Han Mingxi China Democracy Party Malaysia East Branch
Hong Shengchun, China Democracy Party Malaysia Branch
Liu Xingsheng China Democratic Party Cambodia Branch
Xiaohei China Democracy Party Singapore Headquarters
Yang Yuanlin China Democratic Party Thailand Party Headquarters
Zhong Xinghui China Democratic Party Brunei Party Headquarters
Yiam China Democratic Party Lao Party Headquarters

1 則留言:


罄竹難書! 量子跃迁 中共自建黨伊始,就開啟了迫害中國人民的歷史。特別是從1949年建政以來的七十餘年來,從未停止過對黎民百姓的殘害,屠殺的民眾可謂血流成河,不計其數,其殘暴和血腥程度,史上罕見。毫不誇張地說,中共的整個政權就是建立在民眾的屍山血海之上的!我們僅從那些滔天血債中挑...